Dr. Daniel Kyallo Willy
Managing Director
Daniel Kyalo Willy is an accomplished agricultural economist with over 15 cumulative years of passionately working with smallholder farmers, particularly in designing and implementing inter-disciplinary agricultural research projects, household and market surveys and quantitative/qualitative data analysis.
His research has mainly focused on sustainable agricultural intensification and productivity, technology adoption and transfer, impact assessment of agricultural technologies, institutional economic aspects of agriculture, agri-environmental interactions and agricultural value chains assessment.
Daniel holds a Bsc. in Agricultural Economics (Egerton), an MSc. in Agricultural and Applied Economics (Egerton) and a PhD in Agricultural and Resource Economics (Bonn). Daniel’s accomplishment in scientific communication has been demonstrated through his publication record culminating into over 30 peer reviewed papers, conference papers, working papers, policy briefs and technical papers.
Before joining AATF, Daniel was a lecturer and researcher at the department of Agricultural Economics, Kenyatta University. Previously, he was a Post-doc research fellow at the Institute for Food and Resource Economics, University of Bonn-Germany, a research assistant at Tegemeo Institute of Agricultural Policy and Development, technical assistant at AATF, and a graduate research assistant at both Egerton University and University of Bonn.
Daniel has been instrumental in conducting research to support agricultural policy reforms in Africa such as reforms on land policies, agro-input marketing and input subsidies in Kenya, wetland resources management in Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda, among others. He has successfully supervised to graduation 12 MSc. students.
Daniel held several administrative responsibilities at Kenyatta University at both school/faculty and departmental level. He is a member of the African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and has consulted for the National Research Fund (NRF) – Kenya, Solidaridad East and Central Africa, BOKU University – Austria, and Michigan State University.
Daniel is a Kenyan national.